Tammy The Baker Custom Order Inquiry

Please Note: This is for reference only; this does not mean that your cake will serve this amount. Sometimes cakes serve more than what is requested to achieve design.

Please Note: Sometimes the serving size and the design do not align, therefore Tammy needs to know what is more important for the occasion.

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Please Note: Due to time constraint, Tammy The Baker may not respond to Custom Order Inquires on Saturdays & Sundays. Typically, she is focused on working scheduled events. She will respond on the next business day for all inquiries.

I understand I am not placing an order, this is just a general inquiry. I also understand that all orders require a signed contract and a 50% non-refundable retainer.

By submitting this form, I consent to the processing of the data that I provide to Tammy The Baker. For information on how your data will be handeled, please visit the Privacy Policy.

© 2025 Tammy The Baker